I had about 30 spare minutes on Sunday to peek into some of the shops at my new selling venue, http://www.lollishops.com/, and my gosh are there some lovely things to be found. I became especially fond of this lovely item.
I am so hopelessly in love with roses, specially soft pink/purplish ones like the ones seen on this lovely ornament. I found this Christmas ornament at http://wwwlollishops.com/andymathisartco while doing a search on Lollishops for "Christmas Ornaments".

This is a hand held mirror that the artist turned into an ornament using a copy of his own artwork. This would be absolutely perfect for my Victorian and rose themed Christmas Tree. On one side is the mirror, which will catch and reflect the lights of the tree, and the other this lovely rose painting.
Don't you think it would just be so at home on my tree, shown below ???
This is a picture taken a couple years ago (click on the photo to see the details of the many victorian ornaments). Next to the tree is me and my cute little dog Kacie. He is a Peek-a-Poo.